Trinity School and Performing Arts College

Trinity School logo.

Trinity School is a comprehensive school for girls and boys between the ages of 11 and 18. It became one of the government’s specialist schools in September 2000.  It has no religious affiliation. It opened in September 1999.

Executive Headteacher:  Dr C Wilson
Senior Deputy Headteacher: Mr B Hanlon
Chair of Local Governing Body: Dr Susana Carvalho
Address:  Trinity School, Love Lane, Newbury, Berks. RG14 2DU
Telephone:  01635 510500
Fax:  01635 510510

Shaw-cum-Donnington C.E. Primary School

Primary School

Shaw-cum-Donnington Church of England Primary is a small village school situated in an attractive rural setting in the village of Donnington, near Newbury.

Headteacher: Lindsay Wakefield
Chair of Governors: Louis Thatcher
Address:  Shaw-cum-Donnington C.E. Primary School, Love Lane, Donnington, Newbury, Berks. RG14 2JG
Telephone:  01635 40971

The Castle School

Castle School logo

The Castle School caters for children aged 2 – 19 with a variety of complex learning difficulties.

Headteacher: Jon Hewitt
Chair of Governors: Wendy Batchelor
Address: Love Lane, Donnington, Newbury, Berks. RG14 2JG
Telephone: 01635 42976

Love Lane Pre-School

Love Lane

Love Lane Pre-School is open five mornings a week. 

Manager: Stephanie Hodges
Address: Shaw-cum-Donnington Village Hall, Love Lane, Donnington, Newbury, Berks. RG14 2JG
Telephone: 07900 120202

Other Schools

You can find a list of all other schools in the Newbury area on the West Berkshire Council website.

The following secondary schools are all attended by some children from the parish; there are bus connections on school days, either using public buses or arranged by the schools themselves:

A day and boarding school for deaf children aged 5 – 19 is situated just outside the parish:

The following are alternative primary schools on the northern side of Newbury which are attended by some of our children aged 5 – 11:

There are two further early years providers not far from the parish boundary: