Parish Council meetings are held at 7.30 pm on the third Wednesday of every month (except August) in the Village Hall, Love Lane. The agenda for each meeting will be available a few days prior.  Minutes of the most recent meetings are posted in the ‘latest news’ section of the website, accessible from the Home Page.

You can view and download Minutes of previous meetings by clicking on the links below.

You are browsing Agendas and Minutes for the year 2025

Select time period to view meetings from:
Meeting DateMeeting TitleAgendaMinutesSupporting Documents
Wed 21st May, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Wed 16th Apr, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Wed 19th Mar, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Wed 19th Feb, 2025Parish Council Meeting Download DownloadView All
Wed 15th Jan, 2025Parish Council Meeting Download DownloadNA