The Parish’s first ever Parish Plan was signed off by West Berkshire Council in June 2009, and an updated plan was signed off by West Berkshire Council in July 2023. The Parish Plan provides a vision for the future of the Parish, setting out aims and objectives for the next 5 years or more. Click here to download a PDF copy, and here to download a copy of the Action Plan.

The Parish Council is now responsible for implementing actions under the Plan. It welcomes offers of assistance in progressing action points, which can range from litter picking to tackling speeding in Love Lane.

The production of a Parish Plan is not a one-off process. Once the initial plan is produced (which can – and in our case did – take several years), it needs to be monitored and updated regularly. This page monitors our progress. Click on the page links below to follow – and learn how you can help.

The Parish’s first ever Parish Plan was officially signed off by West Berkshire Council in June 2009.  So many thanks to all those involved in bringing it into being – it certainly would not have been possible without the co-operation of the local community and members of the Parish Plan Steering Group.

What is a Parish Plan?

The purpose of the Parish Plan is to provide a vision statement for the future, setting out the aims and objectives of the Parish for the next five – ten years.  It is also significant as it will be taken into account by others who have influence over what happens in the Parish, for example West Berkshire Council will need to refer to it when making decisions about things that go on in the Parish.

The process of developing the Parish Plan began in November 2005 after an initiative by the Parish Council. A steering group was subsequently formed, independent of the Council, and this took on the role of consulting and engaging with the local community to find out what residents wanted to see happen where they live.

Why Have a Parish Plan?

There are many benefits to completing a Parish Plan, these include:

  • Creating a real sense of community spirit and reinvigorating local democracy.
  • Encouraging groups and organisations to work in partnership.
  • Providing clear defined evidence of community needs and priorities.
  • Access to the Parish Plan Grant Fund and other funding streams which may otherwise be denied.
  • Highlighting innovative projects which need help from other agencies.
  • Strengthening the Parish Council’s relationship with the community.
  • Providing a basis upon how West Berkshire Council can help determine how local services are delivered in your area.
  • Using the Parish Council as a tool to complement and help deliver local planning policies (although they cannot override adopted planning policy).

The Future

It is important to bear in mind that views change and what may be considered important today may not be in five years’ time.  The Plan should therefore be constantly reviewed and updated every few years.

The Steering Group disbanded following completion of the Plan and the Parish Council is now responsible for implementing actions under the Plan and monitoring the Plan’s progress.  However, as the Council has limited resources it would always welcome any offers of assisting in progressing action points under the Plan.  The actions range from litter picking to tackling speeding in Love Lane, so there is therefore something in it for everyone!

The Parish Plan was launched on Sunday April 18 2010 at the Castle pub.

The event was well attended and a delicious afternoon tea was provided. A printed copy of the Plan was provided to attendees. Click here to download a PDF copy, and here to download a copy of the Action Plan.

Action Plans arising from the Plan were also presented. We are seeking volunteers to help carry these actions forward. Email: if you would like to help.

Background – written 2007

The parish is currently in the process of developing a Parish Plan, and hopes to have a final document ready by early next year.  The idea behind a Parish Plan is that it gives local residents the opportunity to have their say in what goes on where they live.  It should include their views, needs, and objectives on a whole range of subjects such as, the environment, housing, public transport, traffic, and recreation.

Once finalised a Parish Plan is an important document, as it can be a key resource for influencing local decision makers, such as the district council.  If it’s written in the plan, then it is more likely to be taken seriously than if it’s not.

The Parish Plan steering group recently issued questionnaires to every household in the parish and the results make very interesting reading! The results were presented at a meeting in Shaw House on 22nd September 2007. The steering group is now discussing the issues arising from the questionnaire, and the way forward. Click here for more information and photographs from the meeting.

Click here to view or download a copy of the questionnaire (Word document, 742kb).

The Steering Group is always looking for new members, so if you are interested please contact the Parish Clerk Gillian Durrant via email on 07419 323252 or email .