A variety of sports activities are available in the Parish. The Village Hall offers yoga, keep fit, aerobics – visit the Village Hall page for more information.

It is also possible to use facilities at Trinity School – visit their website for more information.

Other activities are listed below.

Football Club

The Newbury Ladies’ Development Football Club play their home fixtures at the recreation ground.

Cricket Clubs

Donnington has a cricket club that plays at the recreation ground on Saturdays, Sundays and some Wednesday mornings throughout the summer months, and new players are always very welcome.  Further information and contact details for joining the cricket club are available on the club website

Donnington Valley Hotel, Spa and Golf Club
 Old Oxford Road, Donnington, Newbury, Berks, RG14 3AG
Telephone: (01635) 551199
Fax: (01635) 551123
Email: general@donningtonvalley.co.uk
Website: www.donningtonvalley.co.uk

Donnington Grove Country Club
Address: Grove Road, Newbury, RG14 2LA
Telephone: (01635) 581000
Fax: (01635) 552259
Email: enquiries@donnington-grove.com
Website: www.donnington-grove.com

Tennis Clubs

Newbury Tennis Club
Poplar Place (off Almond Avenue), Shaw, Newbury RG14 1NA
Web site: 

Introductory offers for new members, floodlights, match play, social events and much more on offer.

The club welcomes players of all standards with a focus on club sessions during the week and at weekends. The focus is on people’s enjoyment of playing tennis in a relaxed and friendly environment. This helps players to develop their game and gain confidence.

The club holds sessions on Tuesday evenings from 6.30pm BST (7pm GMT) and Saturdays from 2pm.

For those wanting to play competitively the club enters teams throughout the year in the LTA Berkshire and Newbury District leagues.

If you are interested in the club, just pop along to one of these sessions or to find out more, call 07899 687475, email enquiries@newburytennis.org.uk or visit the website.